Tuesday, November 8, 2011

February 2004

Yes, this was a long time ago. As I was searching my ridiculously large pictures folder on my computer, I came across the first digital pictures of cakes I made. Granted, I have made many more cakes prior to February 2004, but I think this was the first time that I got a digital picture of them. So here goes . . .

This boat cake was one of the first themed cakes that I made. I think the boat was made out of Grandma Theresa's pound cake and the sails were cut out of cardboard. These were the days before I knew of fondant and my piping skills were not very good. Black licorice was used as an edging for the boat and a pretzel with a fruit roll-up wrapped around it helped the sails stay up. And of course we used the mint lifesavers for the buoys!!

This was an apricot tart that I made for my Grandfather. If I remember correctly it was just a basic pie crust filled with dried apricots and baked until a little overly golden brown, oops. I topped it with some apricot glaze and if you like apricots, it wasn't too bad. However, it was a bit too much apricot for me.

Oh . . . the green icing. I remember when I made this cake there was green icing all over the place; I thought my mom was going to shoot me. The sink was black and the counter tops were covered.  This dinosaur cake was made for a young boy named Steven's birthday and it was the beginning of the evolution of my piping skills. As you can sort of see, I didn't really know that I needed to put a coat of icing on the whole cake before I piped the designs. Oh well, you live and you learn. I believe this cake was Grandma Theresa's pound cake as well.

This is the infamous "wacky" cake. The recipe is from the American Heart Association Cookbook and is actually figure friendly; well, if you don't put any icing on it that is. This cake is always so moist and most of the time fool-proof. If you are in the mood for chocolate, this cake can be made in 30 minutes or less and topped with some "wing-it" icing, it'll definitely satisfy your craving!!!

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